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IMS Awards

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Each year, IMS recognizes physicians, laypersons, and organizations who have provided outstanding contributions to IMS, the profession of medicine, or public health by presenting the awards below. The following awards are presented annually at the President’s Reception and Awards Ceremony:

Presented each year to a physician in Iowa for volunteer medical services and contributions to their community through principles focused on human dignity, social justice, and compassion. This award specifically looks to recognize those individuals who unassumingly volunteer outside of the spectrum of their day to day lives. The recipient of the award designates a $10,000 donation from IMS/COPIC to be provided to a health care related 501(c)(3) organization within Iowa. Past awardees include:

  • 2024 - David Muller, MD
  • 2023 - Jay Brown, MD
  • 2022 - Hendrik Schultz, MD
  • 2021 - Selden Spencer, MD
  • 2020 - James Bell, MD
  • 2019 - Katherine Imborek, MD & Nicole Nisly, MD
  • 2018 - Jennifer Groos, MD
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